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This is a growing list of the latest press on Joe. If you have spotted coverage (online of traditional) that is not listed here, please email details to webmaster@satriani.com.

Guitar One Magazine (September 2001)
Joe interviewed (RealVideo) by Sidewalks after winning the 2002 CMA for "Outstanding Guitarist"
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Guitar One Magazine (September 2001)
Joe and Steve Vai jam (realvideo clips) and talk about their relationship
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Christian Science Monitor (August 10 2001)
Interview with Joe about composition, G3, teaching, and the next album.
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EQ Magazine (August 2000)
As part of a collection of interviews with current guitar greats (also including Steve Vai, Al Dimeola, Steve Morse), Joe (and Eric Caudieux) are featured in this August issue of EQ Magazine. (Steve Vai on cover)
LiveDaily.com Interview (May 11 2000)
Interview with Joe about EOC, the Internet, and Napster.
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Guitar.com (May 2000)
In-depth interview with Joe about Engines Of Creation, what gear he is using live, plus video clips covering scales and soloing technique, an interview with Joe's guitar tech Mike Manning, and a live version of "Summer Song" from the last G3 tour.
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Boston, CitySearch (Apr 2000)
Promo clip for Boston show.
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Guitar Player Magazine (May 2000)
Interview with Joe (Beck is on the cover).
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Apple Computers Profile/Interview (April 2000)
Interview with Joe by Apple covering his use of Macintosh computers and their role in Engines Of Creation.
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Guitar World Magazine (May 2000)
Interview with Joe (Pantera is on the cover).
Guitar World Magazine (April 2000)
Page 35 contains a review of Engines Of Creation. (Smashing Pumpkins is on the cover)
The Wherehouse Chat (March 30, 2000)
Joe participated in an online chat with The Wherehouse. No transcripts appear to be available at this time.
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CDNOW Review (April 2000)
A review of Engines Of Creation
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LiveDaily.com (Mar 13 2000)
A review of Engines Of Creation & mention of tour
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