Andi W (Andreas Wassmuth) |
Mon Jun 17 '13 O2 Shepherds Bush Empire London, England, GB |
Rank: 7 | Posted: Fri Jun 28, '13 3:15 am |
Support: 1A+++ Joe: great as allways Band: Sorry - ok but no cigar. The new drummer is to hectic for my taste - the bass player not groovy enough and I hate Keneally ! - His guitar sound was far to dominant (pushed upper mids) and if I wanted to hear a keyboard show I would have gone to the next jazz club - this was supposed to be a Satch evening... - I've seen him play a Satch show some time ago and I hated him back then too. Looks as if you have to go to a Chickenfoot gig to see Satch play some rock guitar these days (I have been at one and it was great ... - far better then this one). Overall: 10 for technical perfect performance (by all players - the above shows my personal taste) - 5 for the rest (see above) = 7 points ...maybe they only need to play together for a longer time to make this line-up work ... - at least I hope so because I have another ticket for a show today :-|
anibur |
Mon Jun 17 '13 O2 Shepherds Bush Empire London, England, GB |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Wed Jun 19, '13 3:40 am |
Well - what can I say? Won the VIP meet & greet for last night's Shep Bush gig. Walking around the stage it seemed so small! Stu took photo of part of the rig & stepped back to focus in & fell backwards into the screen! Everyone was really nice & said are you ok? - I was worried that he had broken Joe's backdrop!! Meeting you Joe was an honour thank you - and so pleased you liked our card we gave found me in the crowd & waved a thank you to me :-D The show was really rocking, one of the best, still loved Devil’s Slide & of course Cool #9, Jumpin In/Out & everything else in between. Great meeting Phil & Hayley – had a lovely chat with you both – see you later! Have a great pic of you – will share later on. Thank you Rubina for letting me chat to you & pleased you liked my Black Swan – I still forgot to show Joe – but thank you Mick for showing him for me (from your photo). That’s also a great pic of Mick & I BTW. Will also share later. We went with a friend & before the show he was saying that Joe is ok – well guess – he has changed his mind ;-)) Thought you were brilliant! Good stuff! I now have to dash as have to get ready for tonight’s show – 2 nights in London – woopee- about time! Thank you again Joe, Mick, Bryan, Marco, Mike M, Mike K, Rubina & anyone I’ve missed!