show review
Do The Stu
(Austin Lewis, III)
Sun Jul 01 '01
New Classic Concert Showroom (at Konocti Harbor)
Kelseyville, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Aug 11, '01 8:29 pm
If I had to describe this show in a word, it would be UNBELIEVABLE. John Petrucci, Steve Vai, and Joe Satriani were all awesome. They all blew me away. This was my first time seeing Petrucci and Vai, and my fourth time seeing Satriani. Konocti Harbor is a great venue. I had front row seats, but when I looked back behind me, I didn't see a bad seat anywhere. I was sitting just to the right of center stage. John Petrucci's mike stand was set up right in front of me. When Steve Vai came out, his bassist (Billy Sheehan) was right in front of me, and then Stu Hamm was right in front of me during Joe Satriani's set. The show started with John Petrucci. The house lights went down and I heard Jimi Hendrix's Star Spangled Banner from Woodstock blaring through the speakers. Petrucci and his band walked out on stage as Hendrix's music was fading out. Petrucci played the ending of the Star Spangled Banner on his guitar, and then went into his set. He played I.B.S.; Damage Control; Lost Without You; Glasgow Kiss; and Paradigm Shift / Erotomania. His band was made up of himself on guitar, Dave LaRue (Steve Morse, Dixie Dregs) on bass, and Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater) on drums. John's amps were right in front of me...his guitar sound was so clear...I loved it. After playing the first four songs, John told the audience that everything he had played so far was brand new and it was going to be on his next record. He then said he was going to play something that we might know. He started Paradigm Shift and the crowd went nuts. I was really impressed with Petrucci's band, his drummer and bass player were excellent. When Petrucci finished, a bunch of roadies stormed the stage, getting everything ready for Steve Vai's band. One of the roadies grabbed two of Petrucci's picks that he hadn't used and handed them to me. He uses black Jim Dunlop Jazz IIIs, if anyone's wondering. Steve Vai played next. He played the longest. Having never seen him before, I must say that I was really impressed. His band played Shy Boy; Giant Balls Of Gold; The Crying Machine; Whispering A Prayer; The Animal; Incantation; Jibboom; and For The Love Of God. Along with Steve on guitar, his band had Mike Keneally on guitar and keyboards, Dave Weiner on rhythm guitar, Billy Sheehan (David Lee Roth, Mr. Big) on bass, and Virgil Donati on drums. Steve and Billy were awesome together. They were jamming away next to each other, and they'd play each other's guitars...hitting harmonics and stuff. It was really cool. At one point during the set, I heard Steve look at Billy and yell "Oh my God!!!"... I was so close, I could hear him say that over all of the music. Steve broke a string during one of the songs. He was able to play around it, and then different people in his band took solos while Steve was getting his strings changed. I thought that was handled very professionally. Also, at two or three different points during the show, we got to see Steve Vai's tongue harmonic. This is so cool, you have to see it to believe it. Steve Vai has played with both Frank Zappa and David Lee Roth, and after seeing him here at Konocti, I can really see the influence both of these great musicians have had on him. Now it was time for Joe Satriani. He played Cool #9; Devil's Slide; Satch Boogie; Flying In A Blue Dream; The Extremist; Summer Song; Raspberry Jam Delta-V; Always With Me, Always With You; and Surfing With The Alien. This was my first time seeing Joe in a three piece band, and it was really cool to see the different arrangements some of the songs had. Jeff Campitelli's drumming impressed me once again at this show. He's such a great drummer. Joe and Stu were unbelievable like always...totally awesome. Joe has a clear guitar that he usually uses for Crystal Planet...he used it tonight for Flying through Summer Song. Joe and Stu played an awesome introduction to Summer Song. It started out similar to the introduction on Live In San Francisco, but then Joe started playing Led Zeppelin's Rock And Roll! That drove the crowd was so cool, and totally unexpected. I caught one of Joe's picks at some point during the show, I can't remember when it was, though. Right when Joe finished, he brought John, Steve, and Billy out for the jam. They played ZZ Top's La Grange [Billy Sheehan sang]; Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Child [Billy Sheehan sang]; Jimi Hendrix's Little Wing [Steve Vai sang]; and Jeff Beck's Going Down [Joe Satriani sang]. I can't even begin to describe how awesome this part of the show was. Watching Billy and Stu trade bass leads at the same time John, Steve, and Joe were trading guitar licks back and forth (Joe even played with his TEETH!!!)...I was in guitar heaven. I hung out after the show and managed to get autographs from and pictures with both John and Joe. One of the CD covers I had John sign was Liquid Tension Experiment. It has the song Paradigm Shift on it. When he saw it, he told me "Oh, so you were one of the people that knew the song."...I thought that was pretty cool. One of the CDs I had Joe sign was Live In San Francisco. I told him I was at that show, and that I thought he really played great that night. He said something along the lines of "Thanks, but you fans really made it great."...Joe's such a cool guy. So that was my night. I got two Petrucci picks, a Satriani G3 2001 pick, a picture with Petrucci, a picture with Satriani, autographs from both of them, and I also bought a G3 2001 t-shirt. I took about 30 pictures, they should be up here on by the time you read this. This was a great show, and such an awesome experience. I'll definately see each of these guys again next time they come to town. ...Austin...

Killer_Rig Sun Jul 01 '01
New Classic Concert Showroom (at Konocti Harbor)
Kelseyville, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Aug 01, '01 11:28 pm
My first G3 concert and first time to see Satch live. Petrucci did some cool stuff that he said would be coming up on a solo album, so "please nobody bootleg this or anything." That album still must be in its infancy at this point cuz there's no news of it on his site at all . . . Anyway . . . Vai played second and did played a mix of old and new stuff. First time I've ever seen anyone play the length of a guitar fretboard with their tongue!! Gotta be seen to be believed. Joe was saved for last, and rocked the house as I expected he would with old favorites like Flying in a Blue Dream, Summer Song, and some newer stuff-- Raspberry Jam Delta V, etc. Good choices for the trio finale like La Grange, and Voodoo Child. Simply amazing show. Definately not going to miss the next G3 tour, nor the next time Joe comes to the SF Bay Area again!

IM Iron Man 123
Sun Jul 01 '01
New Classic Concert Showroom (at Konocti Harbor)
Kelseyville, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jul 18, '01 12:29 pm

Sun Jul 01 '01
New Classic Concert Showroom (at Konocti Harbor)
Kelseyville, CA, US
Rank: 7 Posted: Thu Jul 05, '01 11:05 am
Hmmmm... First off, let me just say that I am basing this rating on the total show, not the individual performers. Petrucci came on, and, well, left me a little flat. Sure, he is totally talented when it comes to arpeggios and such, but the emotional quality left me a little...unsatisfied. I did like this one slow number he did where his guitar sounded like a violin. That, I think, is the kind of thing he needs to develop. OK, next up Vai! Easily taking the award for best surprise of the evening, he was about 10X better live than on record, IMHO. He really squeezed some notes outta that Jem, lemme tell ya. If my emotions weren't roused by Poochy (my new name for Petrucci), they sure were by The VaiGuy (my kind-of-new name for Vai). I loved the guitar-licking! OK, Joe. Satch's set was flawless, as usual, but here's the thing. I think he needs to find some new set material. He's recorded a vast amount of songs, and I think he needs to resurrect some of them. Mighty Turtle Head, Speed of Light, Home, Up in the Sky, Tears in the Rain, The Feeling, etc. etc. And tapping! Do more tapping! We won't mind, honestly! Play Midnight! Play A Day at the Beach! The jam was cool, but Joe and Steve really were the best things about this show. I loved Steve's big goofy hat and glasses for "The Animal." Dare I say it?...Kick Petrucci off! Someone else for G3!

(Steven Goodwin)
Sun Jul 01 '01
New Classic Concert Showroom (at Konocti Harbor)
Kelseyville, CA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Mon Jul 02, '01 4:47 pm
Hmmmmmm....where to start..... I'm a 10+ year Satch Fan, and this was my first show.....WOW....UN-FU*#^@G BELIEVABLE(thank you Patty+Paul)...on to the show... First of all...Konocti has got to be one of the best places to see a show, it'a a small intimate venue where the performers and audience can really get it going..I think seating is around 2000, the acoustics are average to good, and climate control is good. The in-house video system SUX, it's in DESPERATE need of service (call me), easy access and ample parking....blah, blah, blah..... JP had the first set, I've never heard any of his stuff before, but really liked it so there goes another hundy on CD's....SV had the second set, now I'll warn ya', I've never been a big Vai fan, but what that man can do with a guitar is nothing short of amazing, he's one of the few who have mastered the instrument. I still don't really care for his recordings, but I'll jump at the chance to see him live...a great'll make you ask....'How'd he do that'.... Satch had the 3rd set, and what a set it was! Now here I have a reference point to work from. Every note that man plays is pure pleasure, it's a real thrill to see it happen. The set list was (i think) identical to the LA show and flawless! The only sigh for me was I wanted him to play Champagne, and it didn't happen (this time)....and wait folks...there's MORE......And now the 4th set....Some of the best this world has to offer as far as talent goes...Joe, Steve, John, Billy, Stu and Jeff.....I won't spoil it for you, so all I can say is Ho-Lee Shit.....a bargain at twice the price!!!!! In closing...a FANTASTIC show, a must see for anyone who likes serious guitar work.-Steven