malle (Mats Holmgren) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Wed Feb 13, '02 5:30 pm |
Jo visst va han väl bra på Grönan '90, och det är väl liksom 10 år sedan ändå!?
Och som jag minns det så öppnade han väl med "One Big Rush" och inte med "Satch Boogie". Nåväl det va en schysst konsert han bjö' oss på den gode JOE (TUNGT!).
Konserten han spelade på München Bryggeriet va väl också en 10 poängare, jag såg en annan konsert med en annan gitarr-gud några månader tidigare (3 Mars) som inte heller va så jävla dålig om man säger så liksom, nämligen STEVE VAI, en alldeles hyggli' gitarrist om jag får säga det själv, hanses trummis va ju alldeles superb, hans solo va ju liksom bra kan man säga, lirade samma sorts POLY stuk som Tomas Haake (MESHUGGAH), om det är någon här som minns trummisens namn på den konserten (med STEVE) får gärna maila mig och berätta det!
Hoppas verkligen att JOE (och även STEVE) kommer tillbaka hit till Sverige snarast möjligt...
bLaCkBiRd (Kunteper Canavarý) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Sat Sep 02, '00 6:40 pm |
I did not believe my eyes when I was at Stockholm seeing the poster showing Joe's concert. Luckily, I was there just for two weeks and attend that great concert. Performance of Joe and Stu was really superb. But, not so much guys were there and they were so cold and stable. I believe if the concert took place in my country (Turkey), at least 10 times attendance (and fun!) would be..
erikhenriksson (Erik Henriksson) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Wed Aug 09, '00 5:19 am |
It was great to see you play live, Joe! I liked all songs, especially Satch boogie, Flying in a blue dream and Borg sex. I can´t wait to see your next show in Sweden! You are the best guitar player in universe Satch! Erik Henriksson
Comedie |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Tue Aug 08, '00 10:38 am |
Only gripe is that the ventilation wasn't up to the task. Stockholm weather was
cool and mostly wet, but inside the venue was boiling. Why?????.........
Simple, because Satriani scorched and the people packed in to see a great
performance!!!! Perhaps no ventilation system could have handled that combo :-)
I'll definitely be on the lookout for another small venue Satriani concert in
the future. Simply amazing guitar to see and hear live.
Oh, BTW ,,,,, think I will look into the slide guitar idea for that finger.
Rille (Richard Persson) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 5 | Posted: Mon Aug 07, '00 12:16 pm |
Hej alla Satch fans!
Jag såg också Joe på Grönan, men det är som med alla utomhuskonsorter; Det är svårt att komma i stämning i svenskt högsommar-solsken samt att ljudmässigt är dessa utomhuskonserter alltid ett lotteri.
Jag har dock stora förväntningar, när denna gitarr-gud äntligen återkommer till Stockholm, trots att jag har lite problem att acklimatisera mig till det nya soundet på sista skivan. Den växer dock sakta men säkert efter varje spelning.
Jag ser fram emot en oförglömlig kväll!!
mackan (Max Ogesten) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Sun Jul 23, '00 2:06 pm |
Absolutely the best gig I've ever seen by any artist.
Both Satriani and Stu Hamm gave me an experience for life!
I was exra astonished by Hamm's bass solo.
Italygirl (Samantha Saint) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Sun Jul 23, '00 7:25 am |
It is the third time I have had the fortune of seing Joe live. The first time in New York-98, the second time also in New York-00 and the third time in Stockholm the other week. These two conserts in NY were of course brilliant, but maybe since Sweden is one of my two homecountries I belive it somehow brought the atmosphere up to a level where the Kicks Of Extacy were delivered through out the entire show. Nice selection of songs, Big Bad Moon rocked me off my ass. Every second of that night was just like a night of good, passionated sex. Thanks for the strings, Stu Samantha
Chrommy (Beri Vojnovic) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Thu Jul 20, '00 12:43 pm |
Hi all ! the concert was very nice , I got a autograph on my JS1000BP and Stu signed my t - shirt but ERIC ???? he said that he wasn`t memmber of the band and refuse to give me a autograph ... I find it very strange ... did ask at last tree times ... ...hmm , Jeff was wanished ..didnt see him after that concert . Took lot of pictures of Joe . Joe seems to be very shy guy ? Could not talk to any of them , guys where in the clouds or something ... I like you guys but you must take some critics to . Master VAI never treat his fans like that.
bojana (bojana) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Wed Jul 19, '00 4:16 am |
This was the best concert ever. And Joe is such a nice guy. I can`t wait for him to come to Stockholm again. Thanks for everything.
ZomBiE |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Wed Jul 19, '00 2:39 am |
The best concert I've been to since MetallicA -98, it was the first time I saw Joe and it won't be the last.
svaitriani (Magnus Hallqvist) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Tue Jul 18, '00 4:41 pm |
Wow,I am impressed. He is a real professional. How can a person play so advanced music for almost three hours without any real mistakes. Before the concert I was wondering how the songs from the latest album would sound live, because of the strange sounds and the drum machine programming.
But when I heard them I didn't miss anything.
I think that the mix of songs he played was excellent. He almost played a song from every album.
Well, I have to give it a 10+ because it was so damn good.
PenDragon (Kristoffer Håkansson) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Tue Jul 18, '00 3:33 pm |
Totally awesome! Best I've ever seen! Never seen satch before but this was unreal.
Stu Hamm's bass show also kicked ass! I was totally amazed...
The bad thing though, I almost cryed at Love Thing, for 2 reasons. Missed my gf ;)
And second, the most serious issue, my friend since 5 years old, and guitar teacher,
André Bemell... committed suicide about a month ago... He was a HUGE fan of Satriani..
He was supposed to go to this consert... That's why it hurted me so much that he missed it...
Anyway... Best consert ever! I've looking forward of seeing u again Satch!
ricbac (Richard Bäckström) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Tue Jul 18, '00 5:31 am |
Fy tusan säger jag bara!!! Detta är en klar 10:a 11 år har gått sedan han var på Grönan, men det var det värt!!! Missade dock starten då jag inte kom förrens 20:45... hmm.. När började han och hur mycket missade jag? Spelar ingen roll!! Bästa låten: CEREMONY Glömmer inte: STU HAMM´s Bas-show... WOW WOW Killen brevid mig FILMADE och honom pratade jag med efteråt.. Jag tror nog att jag blir en lycklig ägare till en kopia snart. (Hi Hi) BLYTUNGT
Perzy (Per Zetterberg) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 9 | Posted: Tue Jul 18, '00 1:36 am |
Hi everyone!
When the ticket says 9 PM and we leave our dinner restaurant at 8.15 to arrive at 8.30 we are met by a hammering inside. Are they really sound checking at this hour or was there going to be a introducing band to play? We called the arena (Münchenbryggeriet) during the day to verify 9 PM as starters.
We instantly get up at the balcony to stand eye-to-eye with the guru of guitar after ten years of waiting - having Grona Lund still in mind. Hope we didn't miss too much now though...
A rocking and swaying with descent from the gospel, from the blues and from the punk makes us all; teens to 50+ enjoy in to the marrow song by song. We sway from the left to the right leg during this ecstasy, letting our head rock in the 100-degree (38 grad C) heat, whistling and clapping our hands and getting fed by this fingertip sensitivity that Joe's showing us when the strings echo like masterpieces practiced for years. He doesn’t get weaker by the year does he!
When Stuart Hamm devotes his fantasy in a 10 minutes serenade along the strings of his bass we all rock back and forth and laughing at his childish and inspiring exercises. The keyboardist Eric Caudieux and the drummer Jeff Campitelli also makes us enjoy with their fantastic shining during the 2 hours plus performance.
When playing for 1h 15 m the decided to take a little drinking break which gave us a chance to enjoy a beer in the heat.
After 10-15 min Joe's back for another hour and 15 m.
Finally after two extras we leave the Heights of Southern Stockholm for the pub Half Way inn with a grin on our face.
Thanx Joe for a great show! says Perzy
kludaj |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Mon Jul 17, '00 5:58 pm |
So ....finally, after around 10 years,he came back to Sweden and gave us his fantastic guitar artistry.The guitar wizard from Long Island NY.He really gives his fans money value with a nice mix of old and new stuff.The mixing failed though in some parts when I thought that Joe's guitar was drowned by the drums and the bass. But a fantastic concert it was anyway. And a superb back up to Joe in Stu and Jeff.Stu alsö gave us a tremendous bass solo built on influences from classical music to Beatles.Thanks guys and welcome back to Sweden.
Debeli (Beri Vojnovic) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Sun Jun 25, '00 11:09 am |
Hej ! Såg Joe på Wembley Arena 98`det var kannon ( köpte minste 5 t- shirt med Joe ... killen tyckte att det var litte lustig ..he he...). Joe kom in med sin JS10th , silver kavaj och började lira " up in the sky " jag var i trans resten av kvällen ... borde haft kikare såg inte honom så bra nu tänker jag vara 1 första raden :). Efter konserten kunde jag bara konstatera : att JOE är " NOT FROM THIS EARTH " han spelade bilion toner och gjorde aldrig någon miss . Skulle vilja komma i kontakt med andra JOE fans från hela landet . Ses på M.Bryggeriet Beri
GuitarNisse (Johan Karlsson) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Tue May 09, '00 6:54 am |
Fy fan va grymt kul det ska bli att se Joe......
Inte för att jag har sett han än men han får fan en 10 poängare..
Skriv gärna och berätta om era Joe berättelser...
Magnus Ohlsson (Magnus Ohlsson) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Tue May 09, '00 12:51 pm |
Jag vill komma i kontakt med alla som ska gå på Satriani konserten i Sverige. Jag ger Satch en 10'a fastän konserten inte har varit ännu :-) men jag är säker på att den blir bra.
Triumphrider (Bjorn Andersson) |
Mon Jul 17 '00 Munchen Bryggeriet Stockholm, , SE |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Sat Apr 24, '99 5:27 pm |
Hallå alla svenska Satriani fans! Jag säger bara: vilken kille! Såg Joe på Gröna Lund när han spelade där. Snacka om att bjuda på sig själv! Konserten var en klockren 10 poängare. Tala om ös när han kommer ut på scenen och vrider sin keps bakofram och drar igång Satch boogie. Jag säger bara "TUNG GUNG"! Skall bli kul att se Joe på bryggeriet. Har tyvärr inte hängt med riktigt med dom senaste plattorna. Men jag var snabb att ladda ner dom två nya låtarna som ligger uppe i MP3 format. Coola låtar! /Björne