show review
(Nathan Towne)
Tue Feb 04 '03
Ventura Theatre
Ventura, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Jun 03, '03 9:01 am
This was my very first satriani concert. but i'm certain that its not my last. there was just one thing missing, crushing day!!!! at least i got to hear mountain song.

Myguitargod Tue Feb 04 '03
Ventura Theatre
Ventura, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Feb 10, '03 1:58 am
This was my first Joe concert. I have been playing the guitar fot the past 7 years and I always wanted to have the chance to watch him play. This show was an extremely inspiring act for myself. And finally after months and months of talking to my girlfriend about Joe's abilitiies she joined me in this concert too, and she loved it. The show was energetic and the public was full of vitality and support for this amazing guitar player. I was sitting on the fisrt row and I got to see him play in front of me. It is a very good experience getting to watch my guitar hero in front of me. Now I can't stop playing the guitar, hehe. Thanx Joe for such beautiful music.

(Steve Babb)
Tue Feb 04 '03
Ventura Theatre
Ventura, CA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Thu Feb 06, '03 4:10 pm
Since seeing Joe and the 'new' band line up back in October, 2002 in Denver, CO. and at the Uptown Theater in Kansas City, MO. in December, 2002, the cohesiveness of the band has gotten much tighter and the shows seem to have the fluidity that would suggest that these guys really enjoy playing together and are more that willing to give 110% in every performance they do. Joe was in an especially good mood, that might explain the long intermission between the opening act, Ned Evett(sp?).

pappy mojo Tue Feb 04 '03
Ventura Theatre
Ventura, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Feb 06, '03 2:31 pm
Just saw the show yesterday in Ventura, Ca. All I can say is nobody can play better guitar than Joe. I've been playing for a long time, and have seen a lot of guitarists over four decades, but can truly say this was the best I've ever had the privilege of seeing. I also got to meet Joe after the show (won an aftershow pass from the website) and Joe is very gracious and not big-headed like some people get to be when they achieve success. If Joe reads this I'm the the guy who told him I've been playing for forty years. When Joe said he had a long way to go , believe me, only in years, as some of the things Joe can do I could only dream of doing. Well all I can say is great show, can't wait until the next time. Thanks for a great time, Stephen Marcus (AKA pappy mojo)