show review
(dave greener)
Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Dec 17, '03 11:05 am
awesome show. was supposed to attend with my best buddy geoff, but cancer stopped that from happening. took my wife the 400 kilometers instead she loved the performance, as did i. keep up the great work joe.

Sam0318 Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Oct 07, '03 11:23 pm

It was my first time to see Joe in real person. It was a great show, I had seen Joe in Tom Lee Music and taking pics with him before the show.

I was one of the guy who standing right in the front (no seated in Commodore, which is good!).

After seeing the show, I really wonder how did Joe getting these fabulous ideas in compositions? I heard Joe's CDS for 5 years, but this live just killing me, it rocks and I would like to go to Joe's live again if there is any chances!

Anyways, I hope that my guitar skill would improved just that I can't memorize all the scales...hahaha, I am going to see G3 on Oct 14th in Vancouver again~~ see ya...JOE, STEVE, and Malm... hahaa...

ps. there are another great show coming up in Vancouver, Japanese "steve Vai" like guitarist..with his other vocal partner a band called B'Z coming to Vancouver for Tour, IT IS A MUST GO SHOW!@@@@@@@

(Lloyd Gillis)
Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: Posted: Mon Feb 03, '03 9:42 pm

As per usual Joe, your playing is just plain scary! But I do have a few requests: First S#*t -can the bass solo -especially when the player really isn't up to it. Even when Stu (I know it was Matt this tiime) does his "Penuts/Barnyard" speed melody thingy; that gets to be a yawner real fast after you've seen him do it more than once. The Classical two hander at the end of the solo he did last tour was good though. Remember weather it's a chops show or not, it's still musical content we all want. If your hands need a break then just take a break! Also Joe you are an excellent improvisor.So why don't you "stretch" on more than just one tune next time. I think a better mix of note for note and improvisation would be more welcome. For example you could one night do a certain solo note for note and then the next time you play the tune you could improvise more. Thanks listening Joe


Sonic Arsenal
(Russell Potter)
Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Nov 29, '02 10:24 am
With a world-class venue like the Commodore Ballroom and a world-class musician like Joe it's no surprise that the show completely rocked the house. Not only was Joe in top form (executing seemingly effortless tremlo dive bombs with his elbow while performing two-handed tapping techniques), but all of the band members seemed to be in sync (no, not n-sync) with each other. With music throughout the entire show (no intermission) we were treated to an upbeat, rhythmic bass solo and drum solo that worked back into a bass/drum duet. Joe came back refreshed and blazed through a few more favorites as well as introducing us to his new toys (a prototype Ibanez 7-string and Ibanez doubleneck) before returning for an encore rendition of "Friends". A truely amazing show, I was glad to have been front and center.

nachohull Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Nov 28, '02 7:49 pm
great show, my first from joe. meeting him at tom lee music was the tops of it all. i came all the way from walla walla washington state to see him in vancouver. thanks for the autograph, picture, and memories. peace

Interceptor Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Nov 26, '02 11:50 pm

Wow, dam that was cool. Joe you rule. thanks for signing my crystal planet cd and the awesome night. I'm going to buy your new cd tomorow.


Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 1 Posted: Tue Nov 26, '02 10:30 pm
It's hard to rate a concert if you're forbidden to attend. Unfortunately, this was one concert that i didn't get to see. I'm only 18. Nothing personal Joe, I know it's probably not your fault, but playing at a venue that doesn't allow minors to attend is like shunning at least a quarter of your fans. I would have died to go to the show, would have been a great night out for me and my girlfriend, but no such luck. Hopefully next time you come you'll be back at the Vogue (I was there two years ago and can say that it was one of the greatest experiences of my life), or maybe the Queen E. In addition to not allowing minors, the Commodore is a lousy place to go because the view is restricted and the sound is poor (my parents went to see Jeff Beck, another show I had to miss out on because of my age). Anyway, thanks for taking the time to listen to me. Love the new album, especially "Mind Storm." See you next year :)

(Matt Gibbons)
Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 9 Posted: Tue Nov 26, '02 2:40 pm

Out of the several shows I have seen since 1987, the Commodore gig was one of the best. Didn't hurt having the best spot in the place! And sorry bout the flash off my camera got me straightened out and I turned that sucker off for the rest of the gig. Actually, I got my best shots without the flash, so it all worked out for the best. Wish there were somewhere to upload photos to, but I haven't been able to determine how on the website. I'd be more than happy to share.

All in all, an outstanding gig! Only extremely slight gripe (very tiny), would be for you to dig a bit deeper in your catalog of songs. I'd sure have loved to have heard more off the new CD ("Sleepwalk" would be so cool live!) and perhaps some tunes that don't get played much from some of your older CD's. As I say, a very tiny gripe, since all of your music is a total killer. You've just got so many great songs it's a little sad not getting to hear more of your intense catalog! Like on your self-titled CD tour in 1995, I remember you doing a live version of "Luminous Flesh Eating Giants" that just was incredible! And so many more it's just impossible to keep track.

Anyway...thanks so much for coming to the Commodore!!! That's three excellent gigs I have seen there, starting with Eric Johnson in Jan. 2001, Jeff Beck in Feb. 2001 and now Satch at the Ballroom 2002...excellent! Keep on shreddin'!

Mikey94 Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Nov 26, '02 1:59 pm

Great show Joe! I can't wait for your return. It was an honor to meet you, and thank you for taking the time to sign my guitar and discuss your guitar set up. I have since retired the guitar you signed into a plexi-glass case and mounted it in my home studio.

You are as great a person as you are a musician, God bless... Mikey94

Shane Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 7 Posted: Tue Nov 26, '02 12:47 pm

It's always a pleasure to see Joe, but this was one of my least favourite concerts.

The Commodore was a bad venue. It was general admission and was not open to minors (my younger 16 year old brother was dying to go). There were support posts everywhere so if you had a seat, there would be at least one post blocking the stage. You could have gone on the floor, but unless you were right up front, your vision would have been blocked by someone. There was a mandatory coat check, which made collecting your jackets at the end of the night like a herd of cows funneling into the slaughterhouse.

They started the show rather late - almost 1.5 hours after the doors opened. They had some no-name guy play 3 songs solo on a fretless guitar, backed by a repeater/ loop sampler. He was entertaining, but that's not what I came to see.

I don't think the setlist was as long as other concerts. There was no intermission like the other concerts I've seen. Regardless, playing songs for 3 hours is quite lengthy without an opening act so I can't really complain there.

The highlights of the night was seeing them perform the new songs from the old albums he had never done before, and the new tunes - particularly the seven-string songs - wicked!

Overall the concert was decent - but pricey considering crappy venue. Hopefullly next time they'll play the Vogue, or the QE Theatre.

(DJ Glore)
Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Nov 26, '02 2:25 am
Great show Joe! Thanks again for the picture. I framed it and put it up on my wall today. It is really cool that you go out of your way to meet your fans and sign autographs. We appreciate it more than you know. It surely made my day! I hope that you never stop touring. I would like to see your show again and again. To a young, beginning guitarist like myself, you truly are one of my inspirations. Thankyou

(Steve Dolden)
Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Nov 26, '02 12:47 pm

Joe your concert rocked! (As always) Thanks for taking time out and signing my engines of creation cd. It was great to meet you. I was watching your frett hand move accross the fretts thinking to myself what am I doing wrong. Its all I can do to get my pinky on the right string.

Your concerts rule and you always get a great send off here, can you please make this an annual thing. (or every 6 months) that would work for me.

Keep rocking dude! Fan #: 10,293,544,755 (Steve Dolden)

(willie molyski)
Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Nov 26, '02 12:45 pm
joe kicked ass as always. I only wish the show was at the vogue theater like last time.The PA that is in the commodore was designed for projecting sound in a much lager venue and it doesn't work as well in a place like the commodore The acoustics are better at the vogue and you just can't have that cool light show that you had on the engines of creation tour in a place like the commodore

(Scott Kotyk)
Sun Nov 24 '02
The Commodore Ballroom
Vancouver, BC, CA
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Nov 25, '02 6:47 pm
always.. mindblowing....i ussually want to quit playing guitar after seeing a satch concert... i think whats the point... amazing show... it was cool to have a great view at the commodore ..and an honor to meet joe... at the signing.. super nice dude.. much thanks.. si