show review
Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Oct 31, '03 6:16 pm
A Truly splendid performance! Joe was everything we (my wife Niki & I ) had imagined he would be. The Roseland is a some what of a small venue which is the best way to see Joe although the place was in dire straits as far as the enviormental controls were concerned. It was a packed house that seats approx. 2500 people and we were on the floor no less than 15 feet away from the master himself. We were packed shoulder to shoulder on the floor and I nearly had a heat stroke! I managed to hold on though and the performance was one I'll remember for eternity!

Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Feb 03, '03 9:32 pm
im a new JS fan didnt start listing to his music seriously until about a year ago, now i have almost all the records and am completely hooked. i put Joes music sitting right there with Hendrix, Zeppelin, The Stones...its that good..truly classic. my first show was at the roseland last month and i was totaly blown away. it was just the coolest thing i have ever seen.. hands down! Joe your awesome and i hope you come around to portland again... i might fly down to san fran to ya at the filmore show with my uncle. hope to see ya..(possiable backstage passes!!!) thanks Joe, keep on pickin!!

LUVBUG Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jan 01, '03 8:15 pm

freeflyer2 Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Dec 24, '02 1:03 am
OUTRAGIOUS!!! Jeff, thanks for the drumstick!! Can't wait for the RENO show!!! I think the entire band and crew should go skydiving after the Kelseyville show in Davis at Skydance Skydiving. I'll trade Joe a skydive for an autograph on my skydiving rig!!! Think about it!!

(Levi Yandell)
Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Dec 07, '02 5:31 pm
Thank you Joe and Co. for making this concert a rewarding experience. It was wonderful. There were some royal asses in attendance, but aren't they at all the good concerts. Oh well, they didn't hamper my evening. Joe's concert was everything I imagined and more. Joe, Jeff, Matt, and Galen had incredible energy and gave me the inspiration to take life by the horns and make what I can with it. You let people know that anything is possible. I took several friends that haven't listened to Joe very much. They were impressed. I knew they would be. I hope to see Joe again soon. JoeSatch iz da Man!

thefireman Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Wed Nov 27, '02 5:58 pm
What a great evening! Thanks Joe, Jeff, Matt & Galen. You guys were very tight and put together a great setlist. The "under 21" area still needs to be revamped, bummer for the kids that don't get to experience you from close range. Thanks for hanging and BSing with us Jeff. Joe- pleasure to meet/talk with you again, enjoy the T-shirt. Come board with us at Mt. Bachelor sometime! Kick Ass night had by all! P.S. The "drunk" fight everyone is referring to was a couple of JERKS trying to worm their way up front and wouldn't take "I don't think so!" for an answer. TheFireman

(Derek Schott)
Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Wed Nov 27, '02 4:00 pm
Great show, minus all the drunk idiots in the crowd. First time seeing Joe live, and it lived up to all my expectations and more!

One_Rush Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 7 Posted: Wed Nov 27, '02 3:36 pm
Joe....simply put you are absolutely amazing! The show was incredible with the exception of the location....why in the world did you end up playing at the Roseland??? The acoustics are terrible and the crowd that shows up is basically just a larger bar crowd complete with a fight (what the hell was that about??). there you were playing away and a damn fight breaks out. Next time you're in Portland, you should play the Schnitzer Auditorium...better sound and not just a bar gig. In any case, your and the boys put on a great show despite the Roseland and as usual you gave me a number of techniques to work on and figure how the hell you pulled them off! You are an inspiration. Keep it up and I look forward to seing you next time you're here!

(Brian Currier)
Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Wed Nov 27, '02 11:50 am
I can never get enough of Joe's playing. He always gets the job done! That said whats up with the metal detectors and body search? I have never seen that at a concert. Could it have been the slum the theater was located at? Maybe just the times we live in. Oriental melody was heavy! Keep those songs coming and I'll keep coming to your shows.

paaskanama Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 6 Posted: Tue Nov 26, '02 3:45 pm
I agree that the Crystal would have been a far more suitable venue for Satch to play. I saw him there when he last came through in May of '00. Neither time now have I been able to fully devote my attention to the show. First time, I didn't know most of the songs, this time I was distracted by the venue's atmosphere and just too tired to be there anyway. My 15-year-old brother went to the show, but we were unable to watch together because he was herded off behind the cattle guard fencing with the rest of the pre-21 audience. The Crystal's setup is far more amiable, with those choosing to drink sat BEHIND the general viewing audience. Besides that - the setlist was fairly decent, though I was REALLY hoping to hear "Belly Dancer." "Crushing Day" was a song I never really got into before THAT performance, now there's a new favorite in my discography. "New Last Jam" seemed a bit off in the performance, no thanks to the fight that broke out at the beginning of it. I can't believe Joe played "Why" !!!! That is one of my absolute favorite Satch tunes!!! I was floored!! Thanks Joe!! Matt Bissonette's solo was jaw-dropping!! Glad Stu got a break this tour!! Sorry to the general assembly of fans, but I have heard "Always With Me" about a million times too many at this point. Yet, I still find "Satch Boogie" energizing. That may just be me, though. Overall, I didn't get the full effect of a stunning Satriani concert this time, either. I think a G3 ticket may be needed in my future. Joe - THANK YOU FOR COMING TO PORTLAND!!! This blues-hungry town is always in need of your twist on an old classic. Feel free to bring savvy guests like that with you again, too! I can't remember his name, but when I find out, I'm sure to go album hunting! Happy Turkey Day, Joe!!! God bless in the new year!!

DannyJ Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Mon Nov 25, '02 9:55 pm

The concert was pretty cool except for what everybody else has already said (stupid drunkards, under 21 crowd getting shafted, poor acoustics). Regardless though, it is an honor to watch Joe Satriani doing what he loves to do and that is play the guitar unlike anyone else. Thank you for coming to Portland and giving us Oregonians the honor of watching you play. My favorite songs of the night were Oriental Melody, Flying in a Blue Dream, and Devil's Slide.

To whomever reads this, Jesus came into the world not to condemn it, but to save those in it who put their trust in him and the self-less sacrifice of his death on a cross to take our place and die the death we deserve for our guilt. He is a true hero and friend. You need to decide for yourself.

(Jon Jensen)
Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Nov 25, '02 5:05 pm
This show was the best show you could ever ask for. Everything about it was perfect.

Harvo Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 7 Posted: Mon Nov 25, '02 12:43 pm
Seeing Joe & his band live is always a fantastic experience. I've seen him/them 6 or 7 times and have loved every minute of it. In fact, they are the only live performance that I buy a ticket to. I don't know how they end up playing in a sewer like the Roseland. I don't know how the music industry works when it comes to artists and their live venues. I do know this. I have never seen Joe's live band work as well together and perform with such chemistry(spelling?) as they did on this night. They were freaking Jammin!! Unbelieveable energy for having the schedule that they have had. But, I will NEVER go to another show at the S***hole Roseland, even Joe's. The desire to sell alcohol drove the venue. Guess what promoters, or who ever makes these decisions, NOT EVERY MUSIC FAN IS A F***ING DRUNK!!!!! Thank you Joe and Matt and Jeff and the rest for coming here. You were AWESOME!!!!! I hope you come back asap and play somewhere else.

(Freddy Garza)
Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Nov 25, '02 8:10 am
Managed to get a spot right in front to your left, Joe a big big thanks for your gift of Crushing Day, been waiting since 88 to hear that sucker live, that was absolutely incredible, the new tunes were real good to, MIndstorm was awesome. Ned Evett reminded me a litltle of "Not of this Earth" tunes. Let's hear some singing next time you come this way. Good luck and take care all of you for the rest of the tour. I was standing basically in front Matt. Galen is also pretty good on the rythm. Even got acknowledged by both. see ya next tour.

Brewbeast Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Sun Nov 24, '02 10:23 pm

Great show! I've been a fan of Joe's since about '87, but this was the first time I've seen him and his band live. They certainly did not disappoint. Ned Evett was pretty cool too... and funny (take that Kenny G)! Good choice for an opening act.

However (and I know others have already said this, but I feel it's worth repeating) the Roseland needs to re-think how they handle the under 21 crowd. I felt sorry for all those people (many of whom were obviously well beyond the legal drinking age and must've either forgotten their ID's or brought their sons/daughters/etc. with them to see Joe) squirreled away on the far side of floor as if they were a bunch of second class citizens who'd only paid for the cheap seats. Most uncool.

Other than that, though, a really terrific show. And lucky me... I've got tickets to see them again when they swing through Denver!

(J S)
Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sun Nov 24, '02 5:25 pm

The show was excellent. I had a great time. This show was far better than the last time he played at the crystal yet that was a great show also. Keep up the good work Joe.


Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 7 Posted: Sun Nov 24, '02 4:25 pm
Overall it was a great experience to get to see Joe for my second time, however i didn't get the full Joe Satriani experience due to the fact that people under 21 had to enter the show through a seperate set of stairs which led to the cramped far back & right area of the theater. This really pissed me off because I was planning on standing right up front, but I was the closest one to the far right speaker, which also decreased my overall enjoyment of the show, since I didn't get the full sound, but at least I got a good view of Joe!!! As always, he tore the roof down, along with my ears! haha... He played his fastest solo ever (so i think) in Crushing Day, which was after he opened with Flying in a Blue Dream. I REALLY think Joe should've just came to the Crystal Ballroom like he did last time, the accoustics in there are waaay better, but overall it was a kick ass show, besides the fact that there were a lot of drunk morons distracting me from Joe's performance. Awesome show, but next time I'd rather see Joe in somewhere other than the hell hole he played at this time. YOU ROCK JOE!!!!!

Tedster Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Sun Nov 24, '02 2:39 pm

The show was great - Joe at his best. The sound at the venue was terrible as usual. The Roseland is known for too much sound reinforcement that isn't handled well resulting in lots of noise with the music. I've seen Joe in Portland now three times, twice at the Roseland and once with G3 at the Showboat a small outdoor venue. Joe is much better outside than at the Roseland.

We took a couple of friends to the show who had not seen Satch before and while they don't generally listen to his music they were very impressed by his performance on the fret board.

Show featued an opening act - solo dud playing a fretless guitar - forgot his name. While the guitar playing was interesting, he should leave the microphone at home. His singing ruined his act. Do what you do well and leave the other stuff to other people.

Crowd was unusual. Were were back towards the mixing deck and there was this one guy who couldn't seem to get the hint to leave this one poor lady alone. He would lay his head on her back, shoulder and even once put her poney tails in his mouth - wow - out there. She finally handled it agressively enough, grabbed him by the throat and sent him reeling across the floor into me and several other people. I got tired of standing next to the guy keeping him away from my wife, I was waiting for the big guy with the beard to deck him when he touched his partner. There was also one biker dude who was having a hard time not picking fights, nice to see him leave - hay that's rock and roll for you.

(BJ Garrison)
Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Sun Nov 24, '02 10:50 am
Joe and the boys, you guys played awesome! The whole band had a tight feel to them. I would have to say seeing crushing day was the highlight of the evening. Joe you are a master at what you do! I have been a fan since 1990 and have seen including this 4 shows. But truthfully I would have to say that this was the worst I had been to because of the venue. I happen to be 20 so I got put in the taped off corner of the roseland. Under the balcony, where the sound did not sound that hot. Then this big ape of a security guard, most of you guys know the one I am talking about, kept standing in my girlfriends way. I asked him if he could move so she could see, and he told me to "Shut the f*** up, before I kick your ass, and throw you out of here!" He was a pretty on edge guy, but I got him to move finally. I guess it won't matter by then cause I will be 21 the next time Joe comes to town, but if it is all ages, let everyone come together. Standing under the balcony totally ruins the experience that is Joe Satriani. And on top of it all the t-shirt I bought had a hole in the back that I could not see in the dark. Sorry guys for not writing a kickass review! Matt, did you invent the bass? Because you played that thing amazingly! Jeff was definitely on top of his game. Joe, well, what else do I have to say!?! See ya next time...

(Dave Keeton)
Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Nov 24, '02 10:07 am
I've seen Joe everytime he comes to Portland. This is by far the best show I have seen him do. The sound was great, and Joe was SO on -- The place was electric with excitement. Joe: Thanks for a great evening of mind-blowing guitar! You're the best! -Dave K.

guitarro7 Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sun Nov 24, '02 4:21 am
Joe and friends never cease to satisfy! The stage had a very comfortable, home-like setting. It was literally like a big family in there(for better or worse...) The setlist included many favorites from albums past and present. CRUSHING DAY, CRUSHING DAY!!! Anyway, a humble thank you to the JS team for coming to Portland. Galen's additional guitar playing and presence on stage was a bonus. Also the band's facial expressions and interactions throughout the night were very entertaining(even Mike and the sound man.) A very special thank you to Matt(your family must be proud) and Jeff(those kicks were meaty!) for the solid playing and TOTALLY RIPPING OUR HEADS OFF JAMMING! ENOUGH ALREADY! guitarro7

PDGWHOF Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sun Nov 24, '02 2:32 am
The Music was great, probably don't even have to mention that, Incredible musicianship by all involved. It really seemed that the guys had a lot of fun out there. Matt looked like he wanted to jump off the stage at one point and join a scrum near center stage (Only real downer of the night!) I was lucky enough to be one of the winners to meet the guys after the show from the web site. That was a cool experience. The guys all seemed very cool and real. Matt thanks for your story about driving in Oregon, that was pretty wild. Take care to stay out of that part of Oregon! Joe you seemed like a real genuine guy. It was great to meet you and the other guys and I hope to see you in Portland again soon! BTW Jeff really is better than any wind up monkey on a drum kit! Way to whale Jeff, I still feel that bass drum thump!

chron Sat Nov 23 '02
Roseland Theatre
Portland, OR, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sun Nov 24, '02 2:12 am
good tone, should have been a bit louder though, sound was clear. Same setlist as Seattle. Crushing Day, Midnight and Why? were my fav. highlights. Was very happy to see Joe come out to the bus after the show and take time to sign autographs. Thanks to Jeff for chatting with me briefly, I'll see you in Feb. at the Filmore in San Francisco! Thanks for signing my ticket stub, Joe.