show review
Diguitar Thu Sep 12 '02
Fleet Pavilion
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Mar 01, '16 7:26 am
Could have been this date or both?...

(corey leclair)
Thu Sep 12 '02
Fleet Pavilion
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Dec 18, '02 4:59 am
Kicked ass Joe. Didnt care for the new Bassist. Just doesnt sound as good as Stu does. Mind Storm Live was great. New Album is great. Keep up the good work

hazelcat Thu Sep 12 '02
Fleet Pavilion
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Mon Sep 16, '02 7:55 pm
I have only had the opportunity to see Joe 3 times over the past ten years so perhaps that is why I was somewhat dissatisfied with the short set. The playing was intense as usual but not nearly enough. There are so many songs that I love to hear, one of them being "Crying", (My wife’s favorite I may add, only for the fact it is the only song I can play almost in its entirety I think.) I have never seen someone so disappointed over not hearing one song. So please Joe I beg of you for the sake of my wonderful wife's happiness please play it next time you come to Boston. I would also like to say that I hope somehow your pearly is returned. Good luck.

Do2222 Thu Sep 12 '02
Fleet Pavilion
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Sep 15, '02 7:59 am
I really don't know what to be honest..I only went to the show to see Joe. I saw Kingsx do one song so I really comment on their set and I left after Joe, so I can't comment on Dream Theater's set either. I can tell you that your set was awesome! You really looked like you were having fun and that made me enjoy it that much more. LOVE TO SEE YOU SMILE JOE! I liked the set list and thought you guys played well together. As always I had a great time. ~Do

novjul Thu Sep 12 '02
Fleet Pavilion
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Sep 15, '02 7:22 am
hi, joe ~ I didn't get the chance to weigh-in right away with my concert review, but better late than never, right? here's what I wrote when I arrived back home at the exact date and time of "September 12, 2002 10:46pm": I cannot name a satch concert I enjoyed more than this one ~ as jaw-dropping as every one of my Satriani concert experiences has been, the fact remains: I don't know when I've heard Joe play better, look more relaxed and joyful and have as much fun as he did tonight ~ and I KNOW I wasn't the only one who was delighted to hear him improvise at length on a few tunes, particularly to close the show with "Friends" (and playing THE SNAKE, No Less!) ~ every single song had a least one magical moment, and many had several ~ that guy is phenomenal ~ I was completely transported with musical ecstasy ~ every single song was a dead-on performance wonder, each in their own way ~ I feel absolutely full and complete right now ~ [[thank-you joe]]

(Peter Haase)
Thu Sep 12 '02
Fleet Pavilion
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Sep 14, '02 12:20 pm
I was absolutely floored by your performance! I've been a fan since Surfing and am so happy that I was at the Boston show. I've got the G3 and San Fran DVD and can't wait to get the next G3, but I must say nothing compares to the live EXPERIENCE of course. Well I'm off to see if the new DVD is out! Take care and thank you for sharing your talent and Amazing ENERGY!

bmc2o3 Thu Sep 12 '02
Fleet Pavilion
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat Sep 14, '02 9:13 am
What a show. Every time I see satch or dream theater in concert, i am amazed. I won't really review DT on this site, though. Joe did an excellent job. Crushing day was awesome! My favorite of the night was probably friends, with the sweet ending/jam. He played midnight flawlessly, which was so cool. I'm always blown away when i see satch, this being the second time (first was g3 last summer). The only reason the show gets a 9 is because i wish it had been just satriani. King's x and DT are of course excellent, but i really want to go to a show with just satch. and when i do, pleaaaaaaaaase please play "rubina," joe, pleeeeeeeease! I've always wanted to see it live, its my favorite song. Thanks for an amazing show, nonetheless.

(Evan Brown)
Thu Sep 12 '02
Fleet Pavilion
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Sep 13, '02 7:59 am
I am only ranking Joe's set not the other bands. In fact, Joe's set was by far the best of the night. I'm not gonna say too much other than that despite the shortened set, this was possibly the best Satch concert i've ever seen (it's my fourth). Starry Night was especially amazing, it was really beautiful. I brought my roomate along for his first show (he's big on jazz but open minded) and he was absolutely blown away, and that says something. Joe I think you have been honing your live act for so long that you've now got it down pat and it is just incredible. Three cheers for you and the band!

Ymryl Thu Sep 12 '02
Fleet Pavilion
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Fri Sep 13, '02 7:51 am

Ok, this is the first time I have seen Joe play live in several years. The last time was the G3 tour with Kenny Wayne Shepard on one leg and Eric Johnson on the return leg... 1997 I believe (Was also the first time any of us saw him with a shaved head...). Anyway, the show was tremendous as always. I felt that Kings X were ok as openers, I have heard some of their music before and it was nice to see them live. One thought here, I don't know the Bass players name but man, he has the longest forearms I have ever seen in my life ! Anyone else think so?

I was sitting 12 rows back on the left side of the stage which turned out to be the place to be as I don't think Joe ever travelled to the other end of the stage though his whole set. He made it to the center a few times but for most of it was on our end which was great by me (but may have pissed off some folks on the other side). Having seen Joe many times in the past with Stu on the bass, I have to admit that I was a little disappointed that he was not with the band. Matt is a great bass player in his own right but who could ever forget Stu playing the Peanuts theme song in a solo? It seemed to take a few songs for the group to really get in sych, the first few it seemed that Matt was just a little off from Jeff and Joe (could have simply been a mixing problem...). All in all, I thouroughly enjoyed seeing Joe again and look forward to his next visit to the area.

Hard Rider
(Don Goldberg)
Thu Sep 12 '02
Fleet Pavilion
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Fri Sep 13, '02 7:38 am
Just woke up...nearly didn't make it to the gig (kept getting lost in Boston, almost didn't find the venue), but enough of that...Joe was the only real reason I went, and he did not disappoint. Despite a set of only 80-odd minutes, he packed in enough to make it seem like more, including the first time live that I'd seen him do "Crushing Day" and "Midnight", but also some more recent stuff which for the most part I couldn't easily identify (not that it matters). Kicked off with "Blue Dream", capped off with "Summer Song" and kept the express train rolling with more on the way. Way to go, Joe--can't wait till you come back around, hopefully early next year.

NothingSimpleG1 Thu Sep 12 '02
Fleet Pavilion
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Sep 13, '02 7:26 am
Well this was an awesome show! We were late cause we had to find some friends that were coming down from NH. We got there in plenty of time to see Joe though. He was pretty on throughout the night. I have to say that I was psyched to hear "Crushing Day" "THe Mystical Potato HEad" and "Midnight," he added some neat little things to that one. I thought "starry night" was a cool new one, when they were all sitting down, just jamming out. The new rhythm guitar player is pretty good, but he could have been louder on some songs, especially "Mind Storm." I loved that he closed with friends, that song has a special spot in me. Dream Theater was so awesome, they are definitely my favorite band. The best part was that I got backstage passes to meet them after the show! Anyways, "New Millenium" was a great opener, I love seeing John Myung with a chapman stick. They had some amazing transitions between songs, whic kept the flow of the show really tight. The energy in "Strange Deja Vu" and "War inside my head" was great, got me headbanging. The instrumental medley was unreal, I would have paid just ot see that. They mixed "Dance of eternity," "Metropolis" "Erotomania" "Ytse Jam" "Paradigm Shift" "Universal Mind""Hell's Kitchen", and just bounced back and forth sometimes, I don't see they don't mess up. I freaked when they brought Doug from King's X (who I didn't get to see play) out to sing "Lines in the Sand" that was so cool, cause that song is best when he does his part. Closing with "Learning to Live" was really great, cause they did it like on the Scenes DVD, with the little jams and extra parts, very cool way to end the show. Let me say that meeting them was a dream come true, and they were all truly cool guys, very chilled and neat to hang around with. Jordan was seriously an awesome dude, he was really nice and had some inspirational things to say about music and stuff. The only reason I said this show was a 9 was because the drums weren't loud enough for either band, it got better with DT, but not much. The guitar solos for DT could have been louder sometimes. And I wish DT would have played "Solitary Shell." I didn't get to meet Joe but I have before, but it still would have been cool. Anyways, everyone in the area should have gone, if not, you missed out big time. PEace and God bless

(craig naso)
Thu Sep 12 '02
Fleet Pavilion
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Sep 13, '02 5:40 am
First off I would like to say that King's X blowed me away. I have never even heard of them, but I think they rocked. Joe's set was great, his tone was the best I have heard so far. My Dad came with me, and he was so impressed, he just kept saying, "I cant believe how good this guy is, and flawless". He is now a Satch fan. The highlight of Joe's set was, "Friends": But overall I thought the show was top notch, the only complaint I have is Joe's set was too short, I hope he does another tour with just, "An Evening With Joe". Dream Theatre didn't do much for me, I really tried to get into it, but i chose to leave. Untill next time......Peace. Craig