show review
merman11 Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Thu Apr 17, '03 11:42 am
Wow! This one was out of sight! Perfect summer evening in Colorado with Joe's music all under one tent. He played a hell of a set and interlaced songs from all albums including Strange Beautiful Music. Joe and Dream Theater were co-headlining and King's X were opening. I loved when he played Starry Night! Kudos for Joe!

(Steve Babb)
Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Thu Feb 06, '03 4:13 pm
The new line up seems be in the 'development' stages. I was more impressed with the live in SF DVD.

(John Roberts - Niemann)
Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Fri Dec 06, '02 8:35 am
First of all Thank You! for coming to Denver as often as you have. This concert was one of the main reasons I loved last summer. Also, Special Thanks goes to Dream Theatre You guys played beautifully. We all got two headliners for the price of one admission. So on with the review: I am very happy to have seen Joe and John again, but this was not even close to the moving musical experience I had at the Filmore, that was intimate and magical. There was not much connection with the audience this time. I agree there was way to much reverb and the sound was too loud, but for an outdoor event it sort of needed to be. I really enjoyed the set list. It suprisingly sounded alot like the set list I created here on You really do listen to your fans and for that I deeply thank you. The seats were comfortable, it did get a bit cold, but since it wasn't sold out, even though it should have been, I was able to move up and over to get a better view and a warmer spot. You stage presence, lighting, and movement were excellent. The variations on your songs made me smile and gave me good reason not to try and humm along. Over all, you guys never cease to amaze me. Thank You, Please come back often, and hey maybe you could take the tour through Knoxville TN sometime I know a bunch of people who would love to see you there. Peace

(Heather Alaniz)
Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Nov 29, '02 9:54 am
Absolutely Amazing. I love the new stuff! I was honestly blown away. Joe's eloquence moved me. This was truly an adventure. I found myself closing my eyes and being carried away with each note! I don’t think I could ever explain in words what an experience this was. Absolutely Amazing!

Hihippie Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Aug 30, '02 9:55 am
I have to start out by saying I'm a little biased when it comes to Joe. I would love hearing him play live at the city dump. I did enjoy the atmosphere of the Pavilion. I did heara little reverb on the bass, but hey, IT'S LIVE. In my concert experiences, these things happen and that's what makes it unique. I really had no problem ignoreing the slight imperfections for the shear thrill of watching and hearing him play. I'm giving the whole overall experience a 9 because a 10 would definately involve Red Rocks. I believe the venue was pretty good, for a parking lot. I actually was surprised. Very mellow, low key. The Fillmore is an intimate experience, but in August it gets very hot and stuffy. I also appriciated the seats. The Fillmore is very limited when it comes to seating. After 6 hours of standing for Nickleback at the Fillmore, I definately preferred the open air and seating of the Pavillion. All in all, I thought the concert was excellent, I do have to say that I could've listened to Joe play alot longer. When listening to someone that wonderful, it "felt" like he played about 20 minutes. Definitely seemed way too short.

(Brian Currier)
Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sun Aug 25, '02 8:31 pm
Joe was great as always. I wished he had played more of the new album. After seeing two shows where joe played 2 1/2 hours , this one only gets a 9. The big f---ing pole in front of the stage sucked since they charged 55 dollars for the seats. Dream theater was cool to see , I like Johns playing. Kings X played hard, you like em or you don't. Looking forward to seeing Joe play the next show alone again!!!!!!!!!

(Eric Anderson)
Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Tue Aug 20, '02 9:02 am
I have traveled quite a few miles in the last few years to catch Joe live and I have not been dissapointed yet. I live in Wyoming so the only way to catch Joe is to see him in Vegas or Denver. Anyway......The show in Denver the other night was AWESOME! One minor equipment problem during Satch Boogie but other then that a flawless show. Joe why didn't you play at Red Rocks? If anyone is reading this and wondering if they should attend a show....Just GO! I think if Joe were one handed he could out play 98% of the players out there. Only one problem I had with the show was it's length. You just can't get enough of Joe in 65 minutes. Way the only bummer. Maybe in the future Joe will tour solo giving his fans the complete show.....3 or 4 hours of tunes! Great Show! After a wonderful show, I would have to rate this a 10 but after checking out the shirt I purchased (#7....$32) I would have to rate teh experience a 8. An XL 48 shirt that is a medium at best and a hole in the armpit. What a bummer! Joe you should check in on whoever is supplying your T-shirts. Especially at $32!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Drew Ryan)
Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Aug 16, '02 3:11 pm

This show was incredible. I sat right next to the sound boards and have to say that what I heard was just fine. I've been in the music industry for 12 years and have, I think, a pretty distinguishing ear and it sounded great to me.

Speaking as a fan; Joe was incredible. The way he came on stage was really cool. He has a stage prescence that is incredible and the way the band followed him was awesome. All eyes on Joe, watching for him to smack that last chord. Speaking as a guitarist; Joe was incredible. His mastery of the instrument is phenomenal and inspires me to excell. I was awestruck and couldn't think most of the show. I just couldn't believe that I was there and I have to say that the show was the most incredible thing in my life. It was truly a life altering experience. Joe is the greatest, ever. Period.

(Richard Davidson)
Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Thu Aug 15, '02 7:48 am
I would have to agree with most of the other people who have reviewed this gig.The sound system was completely awful.The lows sounded completely distorted.I had to sit outside during DT waiting for the asprin to kick in.Volume was cranked WAAAY too high.I was sitting toward the back and I still had to take more asprin when I got home.Kings X and DT were great.Joe was his usual awesome self.High energy level once the crowd warmed up.Joe did a great set,well balanced with old and new stuff.Midnight has always been one of my faves and it was absolutely awesome to see it played live.I hope it makes it to the play list for future dates.I can't really say too much about the venue itself,except for the bad sound system.It was kind of nice having a seat(even though it was in a bad location)which the Fillmore doesn't have.But,I would have to say I like the Fillmore better.Just seems more intimate to me.Overall,Joe,keep up the awesome work.I always feel it is a privilege to see you in concert and your music is truly an inspiration to all your fans.

(Matt Lee)
Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Aug 14, '02 7:52 pm don't know what everyone else was listening to, but I felt the show was fantastic. Yeah the sound during King's X was a little muddy but hey, when your lead man is a Bass player what do you expect. The set that Joe played was great and Dream Theater was incredible. John Petrucci was at his very best. But Joe showed us all what true love of your instrument can do for the level of musicianship that you display. Thanks Joe for the pick at the end of the concert. From the Gimp in the first

Pezman Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Wed Aug 14, '02 12:58 pm
Well, I'd have to agree with the people who sat with me. It was great but next time PLEASE Joe, don't have it at the pavillion. The venue is just mediocre (a parking lot!?!) The Fillmore is so much better to watch shows. I loved hearing the show but wish there would have been a bit more from the new album... out!

(Mike Kinkade)
Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Wed Aug 14, '02 11:15 am
The sound wasn't perfect, I'll admit, but I had no problems hearing the music. I was in the seventh row and it sounded pretty good. All three bands did a splendid job. I really liked the way King's X warmed up the initially tepid crowd. By the end of their set we were nice and loud. This was my third time seeing DT, but once again they succeeded in stunning me. Wow. As for Joe, it was my first time seeing him and I was impressed by the loose feel of the set, and that they all had such a blast up there. Clearly he loves what he does. I love watching musicians who have fun playing. Why else do it? Too cool. P.S. Anyone else think Matt Bissonette looks like William Hurt?

(Steve Polsky)
Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Wed Aug 14, '02 9:42 am
Well I read the other review and had to wonder where that person was sitting in the venue. I was in the third row and the sound was awesome. No, it wasn't awesome, it was perfect. The band was in great form and Joe was, well. . . even better than before! It's great when a musician shows you that he's really enjoying performing his music. I couldn't get over watching him smile so much as he played. At some times you could see the look on his face and sense he was saying to himself 'oh yeah, that's it!'. Witnessing that made me enjoy the performance even more. The show lasted an hour and twenty minutes and touched on almost every record. The setlist seemed to be constructed to present very 'up' songs. None of the darker stuff. I think that worked very well. All in all, a great show. Thank's guys! Come see us again.

markomatic Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 5 Posted: Wed Aug 14, '02 9:35 am

The rank for this show is a direct reflection of the venues sound system, not the performances of the bands. As stated before the sound level was either too loud for the speakers or there were some damaged speakers in the system. When Joe played anything in the lower registers there was just a general miasma of garbled, farty noise.

This was a total shame because Joe and the band put on a great show. Joe was out there all night long groovin' and smokin'. It was nice to hear "Midnight", which I'd never heard him play before, but I was waiting for "Echo" to follow and it didn't, bummer. He played all the faves, and I liked the new stuff that I heard.

I also have to add that Dream Theater put on a great show too! I was impressed with the musicianship and orchestration of the songs and set, kudos!

(Chris Usrey)
Tue Aug 13 '02
City Lights Pavilion
Denver, CO, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Wed Aug 14, '02 8:53 am
The band's all played perfectly. The sound was horrible. I don't know if the sound people work for the venue our for the bands. It was way to loud. I know that is very subjective and it's just my opinion, but, it was so loud the speakers were farting, and thats not just opinion. Every time Joe played lower notes (7-string) you only heard cone distortion. It was very lame. I wanted to slap the idiot sound guys repeatedly. They played the commercials for the bank that built the place in between sets at that level too!!!!! If they would have droped the output from "11" to 7-8 it would have been perfect. But, like I said, the bands playing was great.