show review
vaifan77 Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Aug 07, '04 3:42 pm
The Tabernacle is always a great place to see a show! Joe rocks the house as always.

duece biggaballs Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Oct 13, '03 6:30 pm
you and steve vai and john petrucci blew my mind. john started the show and rocked. he has a very hard hitting metal style with solos like old iron maiden.after him came steve and he really outdone himself seeing him live is like nothing you can find on any of his albums. he is a true virtuoso. after him you came out and laid down he law. you have an almost scary god given gift to really play the hell out of a guitar. i would like to personally thank you for giving the world your music and inspiration. ive spent countless nights listening to your albums daydreaming about being able to play are just as much a legend and guitar god as such greats as randy rhoads and jimi hendrix. i cant help but wonder what kind of supernatural drive you had in you to spend all the countless nights and days and years practicing and playing to become the guitar master of all time that you most assuredly are. i wish that i could have a portion of that kind of determination thank you. sincerely. duecebiggaballs.

(Hal Courson)
Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Sep 09, '03 9:18 am
This was the first time I got to see Joe perform, so I can't compare it to another time. But, I will say that it was everything I expected and more.

milliondollar Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Sun Nov 17, '02 10:01 am
Joe and band were fantastic. Place was filled with cigarette smoke and hot as Hades. Hope that future concerts will allow my daughter to attend and that a different venue will be used. Really enjoyed the jam at the end of the concert. Hope it was recorded for a future album.

(Dennis Brinson)
Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: Posted: Sat Aug 31, '02 3:17 pm
I have just found this review site, and read what was said here. I agree that there was no reason for a 21+ age requirement. We drove from Charleston, SC and being well over 21, had no trouble getting in. I am surprised about the news that cigarettes were being given away....not that I smoke, but I never saw anything being given away. This was my first Joe concert, but I hope it will not be my last. I am sorry that so many of you were disappointed and could get into the was great.

(Michael Thomas)
Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 5 Posted: Thu Aug 29, '02 7:19 pm

First Joe gets a "12" for his stellar usual

The Tabernacle's acoustics get a "3" crapola...Joe, don't play there again! The mixing crew gets a "-3" bozos are a ruined the show for all of us...The Tabernacle's admissions "policies"/inconsistencies: I agree wth what been said should have found a way to accommodate loyal fans who pay $40/ticket & travel 8 hours to see a group of true artists...the tour staff should never use this venue again...period!

Now for the artists: King's X kicked, very tight with cutting edge trio rock with Beatlesque vocal harmonies ...they are severly UNDERRATED & deserve more media attention...special kudos to Doug Pinnick(bass/vocals)...he loves performing & goes out of his way for his fans...they were a 9.5 & I would pay $40/ticket to see them solo...

Dream Theater were a group of virtuoso musicians...Mike Portnoy & John Petrucci are 2 of the most technically-gifted artists on the planet...Steve Vai is still the whammy king but John can easily "hang" everywhere else...Get rid of Fabio though...his vocals are good...but in my opinion, detracted from the overall group chemistry...too many Robert Plant impressions & posing...overall a "10".......

Now for the man...this was the 5th time for me ...& depressingly, the worst sounding...given that Joe lost his voice, played with a new white guitar(because some slime stole "Pearlie") & Joe was screwed to the wall by the mixing crew. Also, leave Matt @ home next tour & bring Stu...there's no comparison & I found Matt's 5-string bass improvisations uninspiring & he uses way too much low "B" muddled up the mix even more. One of the most irritating problems of the evening was the lack of professionalism between Galen & Matt...don't have casual conversations on stage when Joe's working his A***ss off trying to follow Dream Theater...Joe , next time, tour with muscians that challenge you to higher artistry...not someone to just "fill in". The last comment is for Joe ...just liked we talked about after the are the best over-all guitarist since Jimi...the perfect combination of technique & soul...take your music somewhere new so that we can follow & enjoy it with you...thank you so much for what you have given us so safe on the road my friend, Michael....................................

PS: Jeff Capitelli, you played your butt off!...I think better than "live in San Fransisco"...thank God you were there for Joe...maybe Portnoy gets your blood going a little? :)

(Brian Knerien)
Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 5 Posted: Wed Aug 28, '02 10:46 pm
This is the first chance I have had to write in a review of the show on Saturday. I have seen Joe play nine times. I've seen him in New Orleans and here in Atlanta in several different venues. I have never been let down...until now! I think the Tabernacle is a terrible place for a show especially during the summer! I am not under 21 and can't imagine a Satch show being restricted to Over 21 adults. I have seen several shows at the Tabernacle and none have ever been "Under 21 Not Allowed." King's X definitely rocked (and I am not a fan). Dream Theatre was a let down (mostly due to sound)...if you are going to have a drum set the size of the stage you are playing on then you better play all of the drums on that set. See also TOOL, or RUSH, or Queensryche! This guy was a total hoser and I could do without the pretty boy, glam rock, wanna be 80's lead singer. What a disgrace that these guys played almost as long as Satch. I do think the heat in the place as well as having a guitar stolen affected Satch's rhythm. The absence of Stu was definitely felt. I think they should officially call this show a do-over! Maybe Joe could play an outdoor show in the fall or something. His last two shows at Music Midtown here have blown people away. I guess every show can't be the best but for the price tag this show was such a let down on many levels. I had a guy want to fight me for standing up during the show to cheer Joe. Hosers in the crowd hosed the show! $4.50 for a 12 oz. bud light in a can? What a rip! The people who ran this show helped run it into the ground! Please come back Joe...and bring Stu and have Kenny Wayne open up...Satch still rules~!

pickme Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 6 Posted: Mon Aug 26, '02 10:13 am

I want to say that I thought the show was ok and the bands did the best they could with where they were playing..but the tabernackle stinks...The Tabernackle is owned by clear channel communication which is a big evil company that is trying to control the consumer music scene see the webpage also are responsible for internet presales to the few that pay to join them (so now you have to spend more to get a good seat) clear channel owns 96 rock who sponsered this show but didnt advertise it hardly at all, heck they are only allowed to play one satch song (allways with me allways with you) I was told" they couldnt even play another song without running it past a test market to make sure it is inoffensive and tested well with the market. and since satch has a small audience it wasnt worth the time". the tabernackle is way too small for a show this size, it has little ventilation even after a year of improvements (it stunk for g3 last year too) when the floor packs in body temps make it hot as hell and you can leave to get a drink but you will never get back to your spot. Its hard to stand in a 2 foot square for 3 hours with 300 other fans packed in around you. JOE NEEDS TO PLAY THE FOX!!! the sound in the tabernackle sucked bigtime..retards on the console or just bad acoustics?.I went to the balcony and it stunk, as did standing front and center of the stage!! nobody could hear crap...I could hear the lyrics from dream theater only from the fans that were singing along even though the singer was standing 6 feet in front of me it was unintelligeble. The only thing i got to hear from satch was his guitar (worth the ticket) and a rumble of bass from the right and that was because we stood by his amps on the left side of the stage. I will see Joe whenever and wherever he plays in Atlanta but dont look foward to any more shows at the tabernackle with a little marketing he could fill the FOX theater which is acoustically balanced where every seat (yes seats) get the same great sound they have airconditioning and are not owned by a huge company that dont give a crap about the fan. PLAY THE FOX NEXT TIME JOE!!!

I want to mention that Joe did wait after the show and sign for the few fans hanging around, it was very nice of him. he wasnt seen before or after last years g3 tour there so it was nice to finally get an autograph. Petrucci signed before g3 last year but was absent from the parking lot this year. the guys from kings x also greeted the fans waiting around back and were very personable.

Bottom line Satriani and Dream Theater rocked, the Tabernackle sucked and it was one night of strange beautiful music!!

Pantera1014 Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 7 Posted: Mon Aug 26, '02 9:54 am
I was there! It was awesome! But it wasn't long enough!! It was, though, extremely LOUD! My ears are still ringing!! Maybe to the point of ridiculous!! Otherwise, It was a super show!

(Rich Smith)
Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 7 Posted: Sun Aug 25, '02 10:39 pm

First of all, to all those who didn't get in because of the under 21 BS, I am disgusted. It's a load of crap, and I wish I could do more than complain. Now, the show....I missed most of King's X because I was standing in line to be carded (yes it affected everyone!). Dream Theatre was amazing- I have been waiting to see them since '91! If only the sound guy could have gotten a decent mix of them. Half the time I couldn't hear the guitar, then it would come in and the vocal would drop, then the get the idea. Also, the volume was too high- back it off in the smaller places guys! They played a nice LONG set which was fine by me, but my sister and brother-in-law wanted Satch. When Joe came out, he sounded great. The problem was that he didn't play very long. DT played for so long, and the time it took to break down Mike's drum goliath didn't leave enough time for Joe to play a full set. Just when everybody really got into it, he had to call it quits because of the stupid curfew in Atlanta. There was SOOOOOOOO much that didn't get played!!!! Just an obvious example, NO SURFING!!!!!! He also didn't get to play a Rubina song to close the show like he has EVERY show I've seen since the Extremist tour in '92. Maybe a triple bill is not a good idea with 2 headliners. The show was great - what there was of it - but for $40+ a complete set would have been nicer than and opening act I didn't get to see!!


pumpkinlad Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 1 Posted: Sun Aug 25, '02 8:08 pm
I don't want to say too much about the problem with the under 21 group since I was also included being 20 myself, but I brought my tickets in advance and I asked about the over 21 policy & was told that I could be stamped as "under 21" & still attend. Well, this wasn't the case at all. In the first place, it was a Winston event, who makes cigarettes, not beer and the last time I checked I could legally smoke. Second, what is the point of having Winston sponser the concert if half of the people that listen to your music are under 21? Third, I think I speak for most people who were not able to attend that something needs to be done because I feel more than cheated, I feel robbed. I have never seen Joe or Dream Theater live before seeing as it is a rare thing that come down this way and again I have had that chance taken away. =(

linda_c Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Aug 25, '02 7:10 pm
Well, for all those guys and gals who attended the Satch show last pm at the Tabernacle in Atlanta who got turned away because of the "no one under 21" last minute "enforced" ruling, I was the only mother who "got to go" downstairs to the cotton club to watch the show with my husband, son and nephew on TV. We drove 6 hours from TN to see Satch play because he is my sons' idol. ( Idol, but not in the literal sense, he doesn't worship him or anything. Well, not that I know of anyway). The 4 of us came down to to the Tabernacle last year for the G3 show and got in just fine. Assuming nothing had changed in terms of policy, we went right on up and tried to get in. We were also ushered out of the line and someone mumbled something about being able to see the show on TV in the cotton club. We came up to the door and they were letting people in free, so we decided to have a look. Two TV screens were in fact set up, and there were approximately enough stools for 20 people. The guys wanted to stay so bad, and I certainly didn't want to be the one to make a bad situation even worse. As my husband and I went to the back to stand, My heart just broke for all you guys. Sitting there with your eyes glued to the TV screen, all huddled up,shoulder to shoulder, and some of you guys even had to sit in the floor. It really made me proud of all of you. In a diverse group of young men and young ladies, not knowing each other, you all came together in friendship. WOW. The common bond>>><Satch. Some Dream Theatre fans too!( can't leave you guys out ). We were also told that because it was a "Winston" sponsered event that no one under 21 could be there because they were giving away free cigs when you got inside. Guess they forgot about the cigarette machine in the corner in front of the ladies rest room at the cotton club. You guys could have bought Winston Cigs from that machine. But, no one did. I know that Winston cigs were in the machine because I checked it out myself, and even took pictures. We live near the Nascar capitol of the world (Also sponsered by 'Winston') and let me tell you, there are no age stipulations on getting in. You can sit and smoke all you want. You and your dad -or friends can sit all day long and get a buzz. This is what really pisses me off about Winston. We were told that because Winston was giving away "Free" Cigs that under 21 couldn't go. But yet, hey, you can go and buy them down stairs.....$4.95 a pack. Just before the Dream Theatre Concert, or maybe during, the reception on the TV was pathetic! I went over to ask the dude sucking on a cigarette,( must have been one of those so called free ones from Winston) What he could do about the reception. I told him that so many of you had traveled so far to see this concert and were at least promised it on TV and now the TV was screwed up. He really didn't give a rat's ass. He was no help at all. I asked him who was in charge in this venue? His reply, "No one here. We have a security guy, a bartender (yes, a full bar was open) and me."OOOH OK, No one around who could even get the TV working again. Finally that was fixed. 5 parents took turns going up and buying T shirts so you guys wouldn't miss out. How much does it cost a parent or young adult to travel this far for this kind of treatment, well let me tell you. 4 tickets from ticket master & shipping price.... $190.90. Two rooms at a descent hotel for one night's stay $266.00. Two meals Saturday(not fancy places) for the 4 of us... 100.00. >>>> 2 T shirts $64.00. Breakfast Sunday>>>48.00. .+ 4 tanks of gas ????We charged it, I didn't look. So all in all, Mom and Dad out $$$620.90! and we are not rich people, just average folks, workin' hard for a livin'. Can you sense my frustration? After all this....guess what??? Satch came down to meet those young adults! They all hustled to get in line and he signed everything from shirts to bar napkins. He gave them guitar picks and let us take pictures! What A Man! Integrity, Talent and a heart for all you 21 and under Fans! My son owns 2 Ibanez guitars, one chromed. Wants to go to Berkley, and plays the guitar and listens to your music all the time. He still thinks your the best and I must agree with him >>>>> You are!

(zeb peek)
Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Aug 25, '02 7:08 pm
joe,i got back this morning for the atlanta show and i want to say that it was the best show i ever saw,my birthday was last week and my brothers got me a ticket,what a great birthday present! during the show me and my brother nudged our way towards the stage we were about to the right of your pedal board i think you looked at me!! Sorry about the "crowd surfers" the security pulled them over the barrier in front of you!!it was kinda hot last night wasnt it! well i just want to say thanks for coming to atlanta and i hope you come back soon i hope a 21 and over show so my little brother can go.i hope you get pearly back,and i cried during always! (tears of joy). thanks again for touching my heart with your beautiful music!!YOU ROCK!!!! see ya,zeb peek

alienfunk jr Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 6 Posted: Sun Aug 25, '02 5:43 pm

I am a huge Joe fan, but was disappointed with the Atlanta show. I will try to share my feelings in a clear and concise manner-- a) King's X rocked the house--no questions asked. They were KILLER. b) Dream Theater nearly brought the roof down--unreal. The crowd went bannanas--They STOLE the show. c) Joe played his ass off--but sounded pretty bad, unfortunately. Why? 1) Acoustics in the Tabernacle were poor. 2) He was clearly not feeling well last night, stating that he had lost his voice the night before. 3) He was likely irritated that his guitar was stolen in Florida--whoever the c__ksucker is who stole it, F--k you; you f--ked everthing up for the rest of us dedicated fans. A--hole. 4) Stu was DEARLY missed---Matt just doesn't belong on the same stage with Joe--Matt and the other guitarist were boring and average. They really brought Joe down to a different level. 5) Joe's orange pants have got to go---awful. 6)) Finally, and most importantly, the sound crew needs to be shot and replaced by people who know what the hell they are doing---the sound sucked.

Joe came out after the show and signed autographs--he was polite and wonderful to us. He is truly a class act. However, he needs to do 2 things immediately: Fire his sound crew and GET STU BACK IN THERE!

(Derek Furr)
Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 1 Posted: Sun Aug 25, '02 1:30 pm
I was one of those 18 year old sons that was spoken of in that first review. My dad, his brother, me and my best friend (also 18) made a 5 hour drive from North Carolina to attend what we thought was going to be the best concert of our lives. Boy were we wrong. We were told that because the sponsor of this tour was Winston cigarettes nobody under the age of 21 could attend. Like the other person who wrote in, I came here to see a concert not drink, and even with my 50 year old father there with us we still were not allowed in. The person that we talked to at the show who was supposedly in charge of the place never once said anything about watching it on a t.v. monitor downstairs which we probably would have done, but instead we left and sold our tickets outraged at what had happened to us. I also attended the G3 last year at the Ritz and there was no problem getting in there for me either. Anyways maybe I'll get to see you guys some other time

Shred Monkey Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 1 Posted: Sun Aug 25, '02 1:21 pm
I am a huge Satch and DT fan. They are some of my favorite musicians. This is not a statement against them as musicians, but I am extremely annoyed about the gig last night at the Tabernacle in Atlanta. As others have said, there was a problem at the door of the Tabernacle, where many were finding out that if they were under 21 they could not get in. Being 18, this was a problem. Having attended shows at the Tabernacle before (last year's G3 show, for instance), I was not expecting this to be a problem. I figured that they were going to ID the ones that wanted to drink, as they have done in the past. Furthermoure, the friend I was with was an adult that was well over 21, enough so, it would seem, to qualify as "adult supervision." When I reached the front of the line (which we'd stood in all the way down the block and around the corner) we were told by the doorman that anyone under 21 could not enter, and that the under 21's had to go watch the show downstairs on a video screen. I talked to the nearby manager, and he explained the same thing, then opened the gate and motioned for me and my friend to step out of line. Once we did we found that a great many people were getting taken out of the line, fathers with their kids, guys my age, etc. Angry as hell, we left. I didn't pay all that money to watch it on TV, right? Well when I got home I went on the DT website ( and read a statement from the DT crew that said ANYONE under 21 could get into the basment TV show FREE!!!! This angers me, because in the doorman and manager's loud, impatient speech, they NEVER ONCE said that the show was free. I did a little research on No other gig on the DT/Satch tour is restricted by "21 and over." Not only that, I looked at the rest on the shows listed as coming up for the Tabernacle, and only one other was a "21 and over" show. Get this- SLAYER is the next band coming to the Tabernacle! SLAYER! and beleive it or not, that is NOT marked as a "21 and over" concert! Do you really expect me to beleive that the "Dream Theater and Joe Satriani with special guests King's X" is a show that shouldn't allow minors and the Slayer show IS???? (No offense to Slayer, or anything, again I'm talking about the venue more than the band.) This angers me, so I'm going to close out by saying this: I was looking foreward to this gig all summer. I think that the idea of having the under 21 crowd watch it on TV is absurd. I came to see DT and Satch. I do not think that their idea of a free TV show is reasonable, but I might have stayed if I knew it was free. NO BODY TOLD ME THAT!!! To, it seems like good compensation would be for Dream Theater and Satriani to come back to Atlanta and play a gig that is FREE to all those under 21, and play it at a venue that doesn't jerk people around with their policy. Satch, DT, you guys are among my favorites. I listen to your albums all the time and I am still a huge fan, but this was not cool.

(Bradford Terry)
Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 1 Posted: Sun Aug 25, '02 7:09 am
I have seen Joe live before, at the G3 concert at the Ritz in Raleigh, NC last year. That concert was excellent. My roommate and I went and had a blast. Joe put on an excellent show. When we heard Joe was on tour again, my roommate decided he wanted to take his little brother to see the show, so we bought tickets to the closest place, Atlanta, from ticketmaster. Atlanta is about an 8 hour drive from where we are from, but is still a little closer than Baltimore. We drove 8 hours to Atlanta, and got there about 4 hours early. We were one of the first groups in line. When we got the tickets, we noticed that they said that this was a 21 and over show. We had encountered this many, many times in the past. At most venues, they let you in if you are under 21, they just mark your hand or something so you can't buy beer. Apparently, the Tabernacle is different. They wouldn't let my roommates 18 year old brother attend the show. They wanted him to go downstairs and watch the concert on video monitors. Screw that. I've got the Live in SF DVD that I can watch on TV. My roommate and I weren't gonna go watch the show and leave him to watch TV either, since we had seen Satriani before and he hadn't. He was/is terribly dissappointed. The guy at the gate told him he coulndn't be in the main area because there would be a lot of drinking. We didn't drive 8 hours to drink, we drove 8 hours to see Joe play. We ended up selling our tickets and driving home dejected. We weren't the only ones in this situation. There were many, many others with the same problem. Fathers who brought there 18 year old sons to see the concert, groups of 20 year olds who had driven as far as we had. They also refused to watch the monitors with they're $50 tickets. My roommate we to see System of Down, Powerman 5000, Korn, Kid Rock, and Metallica a couple of years ago. He wasn't 21, and that was a WILD show. The crowd was out of control. The crowd at a Satch concert isn't wild or out of control. We were all very disappointed we didn't get to see the show. It would be nice if Joe would play at venues where all his fans could attend.

(John Carruyo)
Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Aug 25, '02 12:56 pm

I just came from the concert a couple of hours ago, I just gotta say " Joe come to Atlanta more often please" The show was xtra excellent from King X , Dream Theater and Joe, This has to be one of the best shows I have ever been to. the PA was a little loud and I guess the acoustic of the room didn't help it either. ( Imagine an old church transformed into a venue) King X really rocks. They were a little out of what I listen to but they put up a good show. Dream Theater always amazes me. John Petrucci kicks ass. BTW when I saw DT's drum set my eyes almost fell out, how can anybody play that drum set! Finally, I have been waiting 5 years to finally see Joe live, the minute he comes in on stage you can feel the energy coming out and when he's playing every note takes you to a higher level. XCELLENT SHOW GUYS...

ps. Joe I hope you get your guitar back I know you like it better that the white one

(Dave L)
Sat Aug 24 '02
The Tabernacle
Atlanta, GA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Aug 25, '02 12:26 pm

that was the ultimate birthday gift the venue was outstanding it was incredible when you sat down & did midnight as it was the first song i heard of yours been buying your music ever since anyway just got home from the show had to put in my 2 bits (3:22am) keep on stuting your stuff you made my day

thank you

dave asheville nc