show review
Diguitar Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Mar 01, '16 7:24 am
Great Show Long time ago...first time I've seen Joe. Changed my life forever.

(Christopher Perkins)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Mar 31, '02 4:29 pm
Best concert I have ever seen, Was my wife's first concert....what a awesome player! Rock on JOE!!

(craig naso)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Jul 05, '01 3:47 pm
I waited three years to see Joe. Unbelievable show, heart pounding show. I also had the pleasure of meeting him backstage. I must say, Joe you are one of the nicest guy's I have ever met.

NIGHTCAP2001 Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Jun 17, '01 3:11 pm
I remember your show Joe and you were incredible. Must have been about my 10th time seeing you and your music never gets old or rusty. You are constantly adding, improvising new twists and turns and you keep on evolving. Keep that recipe alive and my 61 year old father and I will continue to be in attendance as we will be on 7/16/2001 @ Fleet Pavillion. Big Dream Theater fans as well. Steve is no slouch either :) Later man James Christopher Eddy (Burlington, MA)

(Jeff Bellanti)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Sep 03, '00 4:08 pm
I bet this show would kick ass but the shows are at clubs over 18 which is a major disapointment to me cuz i truly love satch's music and would do anything to see him.....Joe you kick ass.....ur best fan....Jeff

spill Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Aug 14, '00 1:57 pm
This show blew me away...!

(Neil Levanites)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Jun 09, '00 3:54 pm
Saw Joe for my 7th time and as always he never dissappoints.He has always exceeded expectations.The band was tight and the sound well balanced except for Eric who was unaudible at times.Joe keeps the structure of his songs intact, while giving you his improvised touch, which makes seeing Joe a must.

thunderandsilence Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue May 23, '00 6:38 pm
Unbelieveable!! I took my wife to see her first the Avalon We actually got the front row (in back of the drunk guy whom you pointed at) I have always been a diehard Satriani fan, I have all the CD's and all the tab books and the videos...but seeing you perform live added to the already sureal experience of being a satch fan! unreal!!

Golden Girl Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat May 20, '00 9:16 pm
Well, as usual, I was in awe of Joe's playing (my 10th time seeing him)! The light show was awesome! Stu and Jeff were tight, as expected. I think Eric is a great addition to the Joe entourage. I especially liked what Eric did on keyboards during "Raspberry Jam Delta-V"--what a cool sound! The only drawbacks for me were: no encore due to time restrictions, and: no seats...not too comfortable standing for 3 hours, and it's hard to see over the tall people's heads. Joe, please try to play at the Orpheum, if at all possible. At any rate, you're still the best in the world, Joe, and I can't wait to see you again!! ...Barb from New Hampshire

BigPoppaPump Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun May 07, '00 7:02 pm
Well, I saw Joe on the Crystal Planet tour and was blown away. This show was even better! I've seen some criticism voiced by some of the other reviewers, but I can't agree with those people. Joe sounded incredible, somehow better than last time, which I thought was impossible. One thing that may have accounted for the small improvement was the set list, which was slightly more diverse and in-depth than last time. Hearing Friends, among many others, was pretty cool! Stu's solo was great, for some reason though I liked his last one better, probably because he played almost exactly the same Beethoven thing again. Satch sounded so good live, it was hard at first going back to his cd's. I also saw Vai a few months back in Providence. Although Vai was incredible, Joe sounded much better imho. That's just how great Joe is! Can't wait for his next cd/tour!

(Paul Dalpe)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Wed May 03, '00 6:09 am
Joe was simply amazing. This was my first Satch show and I was in awe of his ablities. Not having the desire to play the guitar, I can only step back and marvel at Joe's mastery of the guitar. It appeared as though he did not even have to put much effort into each song. I was in awe. As for the sound, the Avalon sounded pretty good. As for the downers, I couldn't hear the background guitar fully and Stu's bass solo wasn't so great. Stu is a great bassist but when your on stage with Joe, no matter what you put out there it is not going to cut it. Being one of the internet winners, I was afforded the luxury to go backstage and meet Joe. Joe took time to listen to all questions, pose for pictures with all who requested, signed anything, and gave little helpful inside tips on how he plays. I would like to Thank Joe for taking the time to meet us backstage and make us feel welcome. His kindness, warmth, and overall genuine professionalism made me a bigger fan of not only his music but of him as a person.

(William Tobey)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Mon May 01, '00 7:00 pm
It was just unbelievable.......Wow!

NEWCASTLE Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 7 Posted: Mon May 01, '00 9:30 am
The overall show was good, but not great. This has nothing to do with Joe's ability and set list, but the mix just wasn't there. I could barely hear the rythm guitar and Stu's bass solo just didn't cut it. Not to say Stu is not an outstanding player, his choice riff's played were ridiculous, how about comming up with something original for a change. I met Joe backstage and I want to thank him for the harmonics tips. Also to the jackass who told me to read his bio, "GET A LIFE YOU LOSER." Good show but I would have to say overall the show did not compare to Vai's last trip there.

jefro Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Apr 30, '00 10:14 pm

Joe has the sweetest sounding guitar yet! The light show was great. I love the new cd and was impressed that the band made what sounds electronic and transposed it to real instruments. ( I love the electronica though!) There was a great mix of past and present music. Joe has definetly taken the guitar to next level and beyond. It has inspired me to play and reinvent myself. After seeing the show all I wanted to do is play my guitar! Stu's bass solo blew me away! Awesome! Joe is without a doubt the most innovative player out there. The show rocked!!! I can't wait till' he comes back to Beantown. I'm there!

-Jeff Lawson Cape Cod, MA

spankmaster Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Sun Apr 30, '00 3:42 pm
Not Joe's Best! Hey everyone has off nights, maybe he was tired or maybe he was buzzed, but the guy running sound at this Boston show was not at his best. I have seen Joe many times and his mix lacked some things. Don't get me wrong, the show as a whole was GREAT!! Joe was his usuall, amazing, unhuman, unbelievable self, his guitar work very sharp! During the first set Joe's guitar needed to be turned up a little to match the overpowering feeling and sound of the backbeat. And Eric's guitar was barely audible all night. Why bother having him there if your not going to turn him up. Stu was on fire, his solo had a grove thing going on that was so good everyone in the place was into it. And who can say anything bad about Jeff's drumming, the guy is SOLID! A good show, but I've seen better and heard better, so why don't we who were there admit the truth, and rate this show for what it was.

Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Apr 30, '00 10:17 am

Silver Fox
(Alan Gilbert)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Apr 29, '00 4:31 pm
I had never even heard of Joe before coming to the States (eternally grateful to Sausage Jockey for the intro)and this was the first time that I had ever had the opportunity to witness the master at work. Front row at Avalon in complete awe of Joe's total command of an instrument that I still find hard to play the "air" version of!! Stu's bass solo was devastatingly brilliant, inspirational, a true gem. A fantastic evening, enhanced by the gracious young couple behind me that allowed my liquid refreshments to be delivered without interruption to the spectacular show that unfolded before me...thanks!

Kytara7 Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Apr 28, '00 5:46 pm
I laugh i cried i came.Joe had to cut this show short because of time restriction.He got up to surfin with the alien and ended it there.No one out there is performing at his caliber so it's fun to watch one more thing eric still seems like he is learning the songs,stu came over a number of times and was showing him what to play.

(Brad Myrick)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Apr 28, '00 3:09 pm
well, how could a show not be incredible when you are in the front row? satch was awesome (as usual) and the new songs sounded great and had a certain edge live that was even better than the record. i really wish that i could make it to the show in new york and see it all over again!

matheus stockmann Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Apr 28, '00 1:16 pm
The show was great. It was the first time I saw joe's concert and i loved it. The lights were great and all the lights effects matched the different songs, I thought that was awesome. The only reason i chose 9 instead of 10 on the rank is because I think that Joe should talk more to his audience...besides that, it was amazing. See ya. Matheus

(paul travers)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Apr 28, '00 9:29 am

I had never seen a show of his before; I'd only heard the stuff they play on the radio (not often enough). I have been playing electric for about 3 years now, and his stuff is amazing. Most of the time we would be rockin' along to a tune, and suddenly he would do something absolutely crazy...than..most of us would stop to admire his work, stand in awe for like 10 seconds, then, come back to earth, shake our heads in utter disbelief and amazement, and continue movin'

He was fantastic, his band was fantastic...i've never seen a show with no words, just music...granted one of his last songs he did some singing...but i could barely understand him, and his guitarwork always overshadowed it.

i was in awe when he broke out the harmonica...this guy is a true musician. he knows the guitar like its his best friend. i was definately inspired to practice more than i do...not so i can get somewhere near his level (impossible) but so hopefully i will do the guitar some justice. --a new fan

(Rick Gens)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Apr 28, '00 8:56 am
Unbelievable, awsome, and increadable are an understatement! First time seeing Joe and what a ride. I never knew a guitar could be played so fast and exact. Stu's bass solo was mind blowing. Don't miss this show if it comes to your area. A++++++++

(Gustavo Ayala)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Apr 28, '00 8:29 am
Impressive!!! Amazing!!! This is my first Satch Concert. More than I was expecting. I'm not from this country and he never goes to South America. I'm a big fan and I was waiting for this oportunity for 8 years... Listening to his music is nothing compared to lookink him playing! I haven't seen such speed and guitar effects alive anywhere... The Silver guitar (Chrome Boy) itself is impressive, but with Joe is much better. I'm glad he used it all nigth. The waiting worth... bad luck my camera film finished and the T-Shirt I bougth was broken... I'll be there the next time!!! He's not from this earth... he's an alien...

JackBSmith Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Apr 28, '00 8:15 am
Incredable. So glad we got to see Joe. Nobody does it better. You experiance the sound, watch his hands and stand in amazement.

artellis2 Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Apr 28, '00 7:16 am
I'm going to have to join the ranks and give this show a 10 also. This was my 6th time seeing Joe, and it was the best! I was front row, against the barrier, right in front of Stu. I can't wait for Stu's new CD. His bass solo's are so awesome, I can't imagine what his CD's sound like. This was the first time I've seen Satch, where the band was smiling alost constantly. They look like they're having a lot of fun. I managed to catch a pick, and a bass string too! The only drawback was the tee shirts. $27 for an average looking shirt is too much. If they were cooler in design, I could understand, but they were your standard shirts. Then there was a guys selling bootleg shirts outside that were worse looking! Oh well, I've still got my other Satch tee's! Great show Joe, Stu, Jeff and Eric!

(anthony chimera)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Apr 28, '00 7:10 am
As Always, a great show. A big thank you to Joe and the rest of the band! Joe's playing was amazing and he chose excellent supporting players, especially Stu who was phenomenal on bass. Awesome set list! "Time" was a good choice for the opener and the set rocked all the way thru! Once again thanxs for a great show, and for all those who have yet to see it--you're in for a treat!

headless horseman
(joe fontes)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Apr 28, '00 6:44 am

(jeff bazinet)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Apr 28, '00 6:05 am
My first time seeing Joe and it couldn't have been a more enjoyable experience. Front of the stage, left center. Joe was 4 feet from me the entire show! Crystal Planet and Raspberry Jam Delta V were incredible! Stu's little solo had the crowd clapping their hands, it was great. I can't wait to see him again.

threshar Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Apr 28, '00 5:18 am
WOWOWOWOWOWOOW is the only work I can use to describe the phenomenon. The playing was wonderful, and now I have to accept the fact that both Joe and Stu are in fact __THAT__ good on their respective instruments. They had a great choice of songs, a little from all this stuff. Stu's solo was amazing, Joe's playing was great. They all seemed to be having a good time playing. The only slight gripe I had was Eric was bearly audible. but ZOW!!!

(Ben Goddard)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Thu Apr 27, '00 10:00 pm

Hey Folks!

I just saw Joe in Boston, MA about 3 hours ago. My God, what a great show!! The place was packed, but small, and it was LOUD. Excellent performance by all. They would have played longer but at 10 the place turns into a nightclub and they kicked Joe out. Anyhow, waiting by the tour bus paid off! We got to meet Stu, then Jeff (drums) then Eric (rhythm/keyboards) and finally in the hooded sweatshirt, Joe himself! They were all very cool and gladly stood in the COLD and chatted with us. Joe sat on the steps of the bus and signed my CD and T-shirt. I shook hands with him and thanked him for a great show. He said he had a great time.

It was mind blowing! I never thought I would meet Joe face to face, and I have a CD full of autographs to prove it!!

Just wanted to share with you guys. Peace.

Ben Goddard Age 24

(jeremy lee)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Apr 27, '00 8:51 pm

Well, needless to say Joe was naturally incredible as always. This was my 4th time seeing and I swear he gets better every time. Stu, what can I say, the guy is the god of all that is bass. He put together the best bass solo I think I've ever heard him do. Oh and btw that 10 isnt just your average 10 its a perfect 10 :) You never dissapoint Joe keep up the great work.


eden Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Apr 27, '00 8:47 pm
My fourth time seeing Joe and this was by far is best show. Great sound, great mix, great lights and an excellent song set. Joe was right on the money and it was nice having Eric doing some background fills. Great solo by Stu on bass as usual. I'll be there when they come through again. Good luck on the rest of your tour here and in Europe.

erikini Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Apr 27, '00 8:46 pm

My ears are a ringing! Will be deaf for a few days. Sat right in front of a million watt speaker. But got a good view of the man.

Its my first Satch show, so its difficult to rank. It was an overdose for me. After the first set I thought I've heard enough songs I like to last me a lifetime.

Good thing I stayed for the second half to watch Stuart do his solo. My jaw was on the floor. He did things that I didn't even think possible on the guitar!

Joe was off course good to, but, hes perfect, so I did not expect any less :)

(Jason Smith)
Thu Apr 27 '00
Boston, MA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Thu Apr 27, '00 8:37 pm
The show was absolutely amazing...Joe was nothing short of amazing the whole night. His smoking up the fretboard was almost unreal. The only thing that I can say that I was a little dissappointed with was that Joe didn't visit both sides of the stage. I'd have liked to see him a little close up. But it was an amazing show none the less. Stu is an animal on the Bass.